The Code of Flowers: Spring Day Retreat at Bridge Farm, Bristol.
Welcome to the first in our series of themed day retreats. The theme of this retreat is integrity through connection and creativity and we will be guided by the communicative, inspiring and most fertile spirit of flowers in this peak stage of springtime, halfway between the Equinox and the Solstice.
We will be exploring the parallels between Nature’s resurgence in spring and our own passage from the dormant energy of winter into the explosive energy of summer.
Each of the workshops will provide tools to tap into our capacity for creativity and self-awareness within the group as we find balance between the inner and outer landscapes, sweetly awakening into movement and creation.
We are aiming to bring to you embodied practices to rejoice in the emergence of your own spring energy.
Why Flowers?
Everybody loves flowers! But they can also be our allies and, in many ways, our teachers. From their roots to their blooms and scent, they communicate with all of nature, including humans, in different ways and their life-sustaining spirit is essential for life to thrive on Earth.
An important symbol across cultures, the power of the flower is alive in each one of us - it is not just flowers that bloom!
You’ll learn tips and self-care practices to help you balance as we prepare for summer’s most outward energy by connecting to our roots as we invite expansion, communication and a bit of adventure.
We will greet the day with an opening circle to welcome each other and settle into the space followed by a grounding and insightful yoga practice.
Natasha will be blessing the space and she will also be offering Energy Healing to those interested throughout the day.
In this evocative workshop we will learn tools to connect with the power of our voice as we explore the parallels between the chakra system and the sound of our voice.
We will take a break to share a nourishing meal of a smoothie, mixed platter and pudding.
*Lunch is included in the retreat prlce. Please make sure you state your dietary needs on the registration form which will be sent out once you’ve booked your space with us.
We will be exploring tools for self-healing in tune with the seasons to help clear and relieve our systems of toxins and allergens, as well as finding ways to re-energise.
We will also learn some basic energetic techniques to use with family and friends.
Our final shared experience will take us on as immersive journey where our guide will suggest different exercises in order to invite and exploration of the communicative frequencies of nature at this exuberant time of the year.
In our closing circle, we’ll take time to deepen in to gratitude for what the new cycle has in store for us and reflect on our experience through the day.